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The things I do! * Because we've come so far

Summer 2020

I am participating in Girls Who Code this summer. I am interested in learning about code because I realize that computer skills are essential to everyday life and it becomes apparently that more women have to be encouraged to code now more than ever. I hope to continue learning to code throughout the school year and I believe this program is a stepping stool for that.

A short poem by Bree

There is not much more to say,

I hope that my dreams never fade

Its essential to move along

To see the end of our short song


  • June 2020- Prep Aspects
  • July 2020- ACAP; Creative Writing
  • August 2020- GWC
  • Home
  • About me

    Hi, I am a rising junior from New York. I am interested in business, computer science, and psychology. I attend The MacDuffie School.

    Fun Facts about me

  • I have a cat named Ninja
  • I have a twin sister
  • I love cooking or baking. It might not end up being edible but the process is fun to me
  • ^^^Above is my schools logo